In a busy pharmacy, keeping up with dispensing volumes is critical to maintaining good customer service. The RM1 is a vision-based pill counter designed to quickly and accurately count solid oral medications without any calibration or scanning of stock bottles…just pour on the meds and it counts!

Counting pills doesn’t have to be labour intensive. With our fast, simple to use RM1 Pill Counter you can dispense in seconds! simply pour out the pills and watch it count almost instantaneously.
Fantastic for Narcotic double counts and ideal for inventory counts of any open bottle, the RM1 can be used anywhere in the dispensary. Accessories like the “Direct to Vial” chute and the “Bulk Counting” chute makes sure the RM1 fits into your dispensing routines. No set up or calibration required….just plug and play.
Ideal for busy pharmacies, the RM1 offers dependable pill counting accuracy in a compact tabletop design that’seasy to use and won’t take up valuable counter-top space.
And its budget friendly too!
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